Weekly #Horoscope and energy by susana colucci sep 03 - 09


This week we will be closing a lunar cycle, you can take advantage to clean memories and free yourself from everything that is preventing you from getting what you have destined for you. To clean the spaces and order the place where you live and where you spend the majority of your time, the more well-being you feel, the more doors you open so that everything you need comes into your life. Throw what does not work, give away what you do not use. Repair what is damaged or broken and that you want to keep. Do not admit burned out bulbs (lightbulbs) or broken glass.

Make a list of those you have harmed or offended and apologize to them. If you are not already do it with the Divinity: "I am sorry for having ... forgive me, thank you I love you. "

Days to plan, design the mental maps and organize in your personal agenda what you want to do the month that begins in which it will be better to take things calmly and to rest whenever you feel tired keeping in mind that the solar energy that comes to us through Luna is getting smaller, inviting us to keep silent.

For this Monday they see in the news, scandals, attacks against policemen, politicians, women, musicians or artists, victory of those who are considered the weakest, or events that affect more than one person.

It is not convenient to repeat situations.

Extreme situations that make history, cause ruptures or decisions that will be difficult to forget, those involved will be those who change their lives. They should be more careful than other times the leaders, which are famous, important or belong to royalty. Highlight the issues that have to do with power, oil, nuclear power, funeral, trash, banks, the Metro or sex, and absences, explosions, kidnappings, sinkings, disappearances, terrorist attacks, shipwrecks, confusion, corruption, deceit, suicide epidemics.

Emotions on the skin. It will not be good to believe everything they say or make expectations. Neither visit caves or be in dark places.

If it is your turn to make important decisions, keep in mind that there is a possibility of making mistakes, so it is best not to rush, be calm, which will not necessarily take up more time than it should be.

On the opposite opportunities in love, politics, beauty, pleasures, music, the Stock Exchange, shopping and art.

Use the yellow color, the music of wind instruments, the incense of jasmine. The key: being here and now, keeping in mind that anything unusual can happen and that, since everything has two sides, if you cut it short in time you can find the way it suits you.

It will not be propitious this Tuesday for the astute ones that look for to dominate the situations even when they do not have "with qué" for that. High probability that justice is done, as long as you act courageously

For Wednesday, the promise of being able to achieve success is for everyone and the key will be perseverance, doing things the way they should be done, taking the right path no matter how long it may seem. Even more if you know how to activate the Divinity that resides in you and let it guide you.

From Thursday we will all feel an improvement and especially the ascendant Capricorn who also have a plus in each of their horoscopes. Saturn finishes its retrogradation, reason why we will be able to wait for outcomes and several advances.

For Friday, recommends the horoscope, be careful with what you ask because you run the risk of not formulating the issues properly, which usually leads to misunderstandings. It also suggests that you listen to others to understand them, not to answer them.

It celebrates the birth of Mary the mother of Jesus the Christ on Saturday, in synchrony corresponds to this admirable woman, called the Virgin, the zodiac sign Virgo.

It will be Virgo's new Moon on Sunday, propitiating among others, to renew the abundance check, to initiate the ritual of the 49 planets which helps the wishes to be fulfilled, to do things that you want to remain secret (eight hours before , eight hours later), put the final touches on the month's programming, renew on the path of prosperity or perform rituals to reinforce your intentions, lighting a candle to the activator of the energies you trust the most. Remember that this day and the next two must plan as daily as possible so as not to tire.

For this week something Osho told us:

"The really intelligent person keeps his childhood until his last breath, he will never lose it. The amazement that children have just looking at the birds fly, looking at the flowers, looking at the sky ... Intelligence must also be the same way, a little childish. "

And to write to the private you can use horoscopia2000@yahoo.es

susana colucci


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