Weekly #Horoscope and energy by susana colucci april 02-08

We still have retrograde Mercury, so you should 
We initiate this week with the moon wandering to the quarter waning, which makes it ideal for social activities, celebrations and the ecology.

This period is known as the dopamine´s season (it is a neurotransmisor that generates a state of wellbeing), so it´s ideal to practice the second Yoga´s Niyama, known as Santosha, to enjoy what you do, do what you love and feeling joyful for what you have. To smile above all things!

On the other side, we´ll be wandering the low part of the lunar´s biorhythm for what programing you daily will help.

This will be ideal days to dye your hair or curl it. 

Important and well known people such as government workers and royalty need to be careful more than usual; there is a tendency for falls and other type of accidents, resignments, being fired or displaced from power.

We still have retrograde Mercury, so you should have present some things such as: be careful when you speak or with what you leave in writing, so that later you do not have to retract. 

It says you should pay more attention to things about transportation, vehicles, medical studies, speed races, arguments (because they can go off hands) and every document, deal, negotiations, conversations or sign of documents, more than anything with those that involve the mentioned or surgeries, Sharp hot or red objects, weapons, iron, rubies, or military. 

It increases the probability of people lying, pulling back what they said, go back or have negative results on those topics or with communications, roads, social media, communications, journalists, teachers or writers. Also the risk of kids falling, have fever or suffer swelling, burns, punches or infections, mayor earthquakes before fires, and that streets end up with accidents finishing in fires and the wind becomes too hot or too cold.

In case you have to do activities associated with these announcements, keeping for a few minutes the Budhi Mudra can help. It is done with both hands. For this you have to put together the fingertips of your thumb with the nail of your picky finger and raise your other fingers out, without stretching them. This Mudra activates the mind and psiquic powers that help communication, in any of it´s forms. 

According to the horoscope for Monday love relationships that start this day will have to be carried on with both feet on earth, both working on not idealizing the other, because if you do it you will realize that the person you love is not the person that is in front of you and everything will finish abruptly.

It is not convenient to start anything important if you don´t know the astrological hour to do it and having tests to overcome, of the type that won´t help you move on in life when you make it. The horoscope suggest being careful with what can be lost.

Daily activities are not at its best moment; those that are sensible to predominant energies will feel emotions that can rule on them. The advice is that if you feel that is starting let go the air you have in that moment on your lungs and start breathing again paying attention while you do it.

Green or pink colors (avoid black), Citronella or Jazmin´s scent, and the music that makes you smile. The key: control your mind so you can avoid negative thoughts.

If you are not feeling free on Tuesday breathe consciously. If you work with legal things, university, horses, outside locations or with religion pay more attention than other times to the probability that things might not go as you wish it will be. If you are traveling be careful with taking everything you need so you won´t have to go back and look for something. In the middle of the night Jupiter will be seen next to the moon.

The horoscope warns on Wednesday that we are starting a period, till next announcement, in which it will be more probable that every day comes with a life test, a scenario to overcome, of the type that requires you activating everything you know and the experience you have so you can move on. The important thing to highlight here is that those are test that overcomed allows you to improve your status, and reputation in any space you work.

Thursday will be for sharing, personal relations and barging. Things that are in discussion in couples generally will be notable. To move forward in function of the objectives that you established for yourself, reacting in the face of those that has bring you difficulties.

On Friday we honor Kuan Yin the goddess of mercy, compassion and forgiveness, her mantra is widely known as Om Mani Pad Me Hum that is pronunciated Om Mani Pad Me Jom

Even though daily activities will still have low energy, Saturday is a day for you, to do at least one thing you wanted to do before but you haven´t give you the time for it. Do what you love to do and you will see that as you practice that as a habit you will have great ideas, and if not great at least excellent. Enjoy a good meal, think about your projects, and make them come true inside of you. If you feel depress cultivate hope.

On Sunday we will see the quarter ebb, from that day and the next seven it´s convenient that you dedicate it for paying your debts, scheduling what you are going to do, retouch your budget and try to not waste your energies unnecessarily. This will be a day of care, so anything can happen. In the night you will have raining starts the Alpha Virginidas. 

Contact me at: horoscopia2000@gmail.com

susana colucci


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