#May: Moons, dates, raining stars and more...

May is a month dedicated in several countries to Mary, the mother of Jesus. On the north hemisphere is the month of the flowers; according to the tradition it's stone is the emerald and it's flower the lily, it has 31 days and it's a believe that it's name come from the roman goddess Maia who represents fertility, chastity and health which festival was celebrated during this month.

Just like April is the month prefered by fairies and starts with the arrival of the good witch of may that brings health and prosperity for everyone, it does at midnight of April 30th in plane festivity of Walpurgis according to the Wicca tradition.

This event is celebrated in some Places with festivals and firelights (that should be silent to avoid scaring animals, the noise to drive away negative spirits must be done with bells and the palms).  

It is also in France the day of the Mouguet, if you want to take advantage of this energies you can give away a bouquet of  flowers.

This is a special day to have encounters with fairies mainly in the sites where cats sleep.

On May 3th we celebrate the day of the cross and on day 6 is the mother's day in Spain.

Again there will be raining stars, in this opportunity the Eta Acuaridas. They are formed by the remainings of the Halley comet, they will be visible until May 28th and it's most intense night will be between May 5th and 6th, with 30 meteors per hour. You will see them better in the south hemisphere and low luminic contamination zones.

On the 07th is the quarter waning, since this day you will have seven  days to cut your hair if you want it to grow stronger, to pay most of your debts and finish what you planned, and culminate this lunar cycle on the 15th. As calmly as you take everything the better, your Yin energy will be lower.

On the 13th  it's the mothers day in Latinamerica.

The 14th and 15th are days to be thankfull not only because we close a lunar cycle but because Uranus it's seen on the 15th leaving the sign of Aries which represents a relief for everyone (until then, be cautious and don't take unnecessary risks). Also the 15th will be the New Moon of taurus proper to do rituals for prosperity and ask wishes. Renovate the check for abundance and go over the monthly plan. This will be a dark night.

On the 16th morning, if you want to drawn good news, good things or surprises to your space, put a  plate, a glass of water and a spoon.

On the 18th is the proper day to be in touch with others plans and light a candle to the saint of your preferences to consolidate your wish. You can do meditation to understand what happens after this life.  

On the 20th you should be careful  and on the 21th the sun changes sign and starts the Gemini generation of 2018, it does with the energies of the moon in favor because on the 22nd it will be crescent.

The day of the crescent moon and the following until  the fullmoon are charged with positive energies that if you learn how to seize  will impulse you to be productive and lead to prosperity, for what it is more important  than other times to be relaxed and with a smile in the spaces, specially in your house and office, so you will be accompanied by those light energies and be impregnated with it.

We will live a magic instant on the 25th. All day will be proper to light a candle to a iluminated soul of the saint of your preference and renforce with it a wish, or repeating in front of the flame for 10minutes the mantra Om PrabĂș Shanti.

For those who like to watch the firmament, you will enjoy the raining stars on the 16th and the 17th the moon will be next to Venus and during the night of the 27th next to Jupiter.

We'll see the 29nd the third full moon  most important of the year, this is the Gemini moon, specially to meditate on the thoughts of Buda that drive us through the path of joy. One of the phrases that i like the most from him says: "The pain is inevitable, but the suffering is optional.." i add, choose to be happy.

On the 31st Aldebaran is seen next to  the sun, the thoughts say that in those  moments a special portal is opened for the communication between the divinity and our compression, it's convenient to meditate paying attention in the chakra Ajna, that is between the eyes and it's known as the third eye, while you open to recurving the messages that are destinated for you.

That the good witch of May colm you with blessings.

susana colucci


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